
17 Rustic Decor Ideas for a Farm Wedding

Planning a rustic wedding for your clients next summer? The rise of cottage core amongst millenials and Gen Z is taking aesthetics back to the basics, where natural elements are king. Farm weddings are the perfect way to embrace this aesthetic.

When it comes to rustic wedding decor, there are so many options out there. It’s popular for a reason. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed trying to plan a farm wedding, look no further. We have 17 rustic wedding decoration ideas below.

Need more ideas for wedding decor? Check out the Wedding Planner Institute Decor Pinterest board.

1. Get Married in Autumn or Summer

When planning a rustic wedding, there are two seasons that just have the look. 

Summer is filled with warmth and life and is perfect for those couples who want to have sunflower fields and embrace the boho chic type of wardrobe.

Autumn is warm in its own right but leans heavily into the harvest. A fall wedding has gourds, apples, pumpkins, and beautiful autumnal colors—perfect for couples who want it to be a bit cooler and really love the darker, warmer colors of the season. 

Weather is always a worry in these seasons, but by planning ahead you can prepare for temperature drops and rainy nights.

2. Less is More

The first rule of a rustic wedding is: do less. It can be easy to over-decorate, especially when a theme is involved. Rustic aesthetic is the great outdoors meets vintage. It would be easy to throw in a few more branches here or a wooden bench there. 

When it comes to what rustic should be, no one knows better than Vanessa Vierra of Vanessa Noël Events. “Rustic becomes synonymous with comfort and farm-to-table; connected to nature and an understated design that enhances our already beautiful surroundings,” she told Brides. “Sometimes with a rustic design, the tendency can be to try to overdo it with signage and clutter. Less is more!”

Simplicity is the name of the game. Let nature do the work for you when it comes to decorating in a rustic style. Whether it’s the natural architecture of the barn or backdrop of a wheatfield, look to highlight these elements rather than add too much to them.

3. Farm Wedding? Ceremony Barn

This one might come across as obvious, but using a barn as the venue for the ceremony is perfect for a farm wedding. Not only will the architecture be a gorgeous backdrop, but it will handle nearly all the decorating for you. Throw some flowers on open barn doors and, voila, a wedding arch!

The barn can be used for the reception as well, especially if there is a team dedicated to turning the space around while photos are being taken of the wedding party and the guests are enjoying cocktail hour or walking around the venue.

4. Ceremony Seating 

wedding seating, picnic table, lights, burlap
A dash of burlap, a few lanterns, and your rustic reception seating is done.

Most farm weddings will take place outside. When it comes to where people will sit for the ceremony, look to match that same feel. Benches are a great choice of a family-style seating arrangement, but individual chairs can be a nice touch, too.

5. Hay Bale Couches and Chairs

While this may be too much for some people, it may be perfect for others. Want a real farm setting? Using hay bales as seating options is versatile and environmentally friendly. They can be used as couches, chairs, and benches. Just make sure to place linen over them to keep guests free of getting poked by the hay.

6. Twine and Frame Seating Chart

Speaking of seating, embrace the rustic wedding vibe with a seating chart to match. A popular trend for rustic wedding decor is using an old frame to display the seating chart. Lines of twine strung across allow couples to pin seating assignments for easy reading as well as a whimsy aesthetic.

7. Pinecone Name Cards

For autumn weddings, using pinecones as name cards is a great way to bring the natural element to life. They are natural placeholders as you can just slip the paper into the stems, plus they have a great look. Pinecones can easily be painted and decorated to match wedding colors as well.

8. Wooden Boards for Signage

If your clients are in need of a sign for their wedding, use some wooden planks. It’s that simple. Wood is synonymous with rustic wedding decor and it’s always in plentiful supply on the farm. From labeling stations to telling people where to go, there are tons of uses for wooden signs, and they always have that beautiful rustic touch.

More DIY ideas for a farm wedding vibe.

9. Barrel Bar

A popular way to incorporate a farmhouse feel when it comes to the bar is to use barrels. Two barrels act as legs for a table and, in doing so, add a whole lot of character to what would otherwise be overlooked.

10. Rustic Wedding Florals

There are a lot of floral trends out there right now, especially for rustic and vintage-style weddings. The main thing to keep in mind when it comes to florals is that natural, untamed arrangements are best. This is also a great way to decorate wedding arches and tables.

Baby’s breath is always a safe go-to. It’s pleasing on the eye, inexpensive, and looks great in some milk buckets to boot. Wildflowers for a summer farm wedding are perfect. Look to use what is in season to not only save money, but to make it as authentic as possible.

Check out more ideas for

11. Fairy Lights

wedding lighting with fairy lights, around baskets
Fairy lights make rustic customer decorations affordable and easy to DIY

Twinkling little lights strung across farmhouse beams or draped along willow trees are not only incredibly romantic, but also a perfect way to light up a rustic wedding. These lights can range in size and length and are always beautiful to look at. They also cast a soft, warm glow that will make everyone look their best.

12. Lanterns and Candles

If you’re not wanting to go with the fairy lights, then lanterns and candles are another avenue to be explored. Natural light is always beautiful, and there are a ton of options when it comes to both candles and lanterns. They can even be combined.

From wooden to metal lanterns, they can be used as centerpieces, to line the aisle, or just as nice decoration pieces. Placing candles inside the lanterns is great for a load of safety reasons, but also looks beautiful.

13. Doilies and Lace

Romantic and beautiful, the use of doilies and lace in weddings is a tale as old as time. Incorporating them into a rustic wedding just adds to the old world charm of the aesthetic. It’s the perfect accompaniment to tablescapes and can be used on nearly any surface to add a delicate touch.

14. Rustic Wedding Favors

When it comes to gifts for guests to take home, a great way to incorporate the theme is to offer plants such as succulents. Throw them in some little pots or Mason jars, and you’ve got yourself an on-brand and useful wedding favor.

Check out more rustic wedding favors from the Rustic Wedding Chic Pinterest Board.

15. Mason Jars For Everyone

It may be a little cliche at this point, but Mason jars really are synonymous with rustic and farm weddings. These thick glasses are hearty and multi-faceted. A great way to incorporate them instead of just having them as vases is to use them as actual glasses. Put chalkboard stickers on them and write guests’ names. This way, they have a dedicated glass all reception long. Plus, they can take it home afterwards.

16. Flower Crowns Galore

They’re not just for flower girls anymore. Flower crowns are a popular wedding accessory choice for brides, bridesmaids, and even guests. Using in-season flowers and incorporating other natural elements makes flower crowns a great choice for rustic weddings.

For more crafty families, even having a flower crown-making station at the reception is a way to pass the time while photos are being taken of the wedding party. Plus, they are a great wedding favor to bring home.

17. Naked Cakes

Want to make the wedding cake match the theme? Make it naked! Low frosting or entirely naked wedding cakes have that rustic charm to them. Top them with the same flowers the bride has in their bouquet to tie it together.

Having mini cakes or cupcakes with the same ideas in mind is also a great choice, and a popular one for weddings that are dealing with COVID restrictions.

The World of Rustic Wedding Decorations

There are so many choices in terms of decorating a rustic wedding. A great way to start organizing thoughts and ideas is to make Pinterest boards based on aesthetics. This way, when a couple comes to you wanting a farm or rustic wedding, you have tons of ideas right at your fingertips.

Picture of Annette Corrie

Annette Corrie

Our ‘Certificate of Professional Wedding Planning Course’ is here to help you through the process, by providing a step-by-step guide to getting started and becoming successful in your new career. This course will help you gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence you need to oversee all the details of a wedding. This course will help you prepare a successful and magnificent event!

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Annette Corrie

Course Director

Our ‘Certificate of Professional Wedding Planning Course’ is here to help you through the process, by providing a step-by-step guide to getting started and becoming successful in your new career. This course will help you gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence you need to oversee all the details of a wedding. This course will help you prepare a successful and magnificent event!

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